Click on the following sections to learn more about the Marian Movement of Priests
The M.M.P. is a little seed planted by Our Lady in the garden of the Church. Very quickly it has become a great tree which has spread its branches into every part of the world.
It can be said that the M.M.P. is at work in all the areas of ecclesial life in which its members find themselves personally engaged: from religious houses to parishes, from ...
The book, “To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons,” is the instrument that has spread the Marian Movement of Priests to every part of the world. It contains the messages that Fr. Gobbi received in the form of what is known in theology...

With great joy we announce that
Wednesday 1st of May 2024 at 10.30am
in the Shrine of the SS. Crocifisso in Como
His Eminence Cardinal Oscar Cantoni, diocesan bishop,
will preside the solemn Eucharistic Celebration
with the opening of the diocesan process for the
Cause of Beatification and Canonization of
Fr. Stefano Gobbi
Let us together thank Our Lady
by renewing our consecration to Her Immaculate Heart,
of which Don Stefano was an example and apostle,
to learn from Her to adore and live
to the glory of the Most Holy Trinity
Como, 28th of March 2024, Holy Thursday
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Prayers for the Beatification
of Servant of God
Fr. Stefano Gobbi
Misrepresented use of Our Lady's Messages
Communique from don Luca Pescatori
In recent times, some groups have emerged using in a completely misinterpreted way the messages given by Our Lady to Fr. Gobbi in the book "To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons".
These groups, and the priests who inspire them, manipulate the messages of Our Lady’s book to spread their own ideas, which are not in communion with the Church. Some of these groups are also trying to use the recent death of our dear Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI for their own purpose.
The Marian Movement of Priests reaffirms faithfully what has always been taught by Our Lady through Fr. Stefano Gobbi which means that no one is allowed to use the messages of the Immaculate Heart of Mary outside the context of the Cenacle Prayer of the MMP.
It is a very serious matter the usage of Our Lady's words to promote personal thoughts about the Church and to use them in order to publicize their own prayer groups with such ideas.
The Marian Movement of Priests distances itself in the most absolute way from all these groups, of which some of them are not in communion with the Church, also it completely rejects both the spiritual method and the ecclesial vision taught and promoted by them. The MMP affirms that their interpretations have nothing to do with the spirit taught by Our Lady to Fr. Stefano Gobbi and to Her Movement.
On the other hand, the Marian Movement of Priests once again invites everyone to accept the three points that Our Lady asks:
1. to renew and live the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary;
2. to live in the unity of prayer and love for the Pope;
3. to bring as many as possible, priests and faithful to live these two realities, especially through doing Cenacles of prayer and fraternity in the way that Our Lady asked Fr. Stefano Gobbi.
May our two patrons, St. John Paul II and St. Therese of the Child Jesus, intercede for the unity of the Church and for her purification. May they help us to be faithful to the spirit that Our Lady communicated to us through her messages and by the living example of Fr. Stefano Gobbi.
January 13th, 2023
The Director General of the MMP and his Spiritual Council
United with the Holy Father
in the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Message from don Luca Pescatori
Dear members of the Marian Movement of Priests,
The Holy Father, Pope Francis announced that on March 25 he will make a special consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and he will send one Cardinal to Fatima to represent him and make the consecration on his behalf, so that the journey of the Church and of humanity, with particular reference to those peoples, may be protected in Her Immaculate Heart at this very particular moment.
Since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, many throughout the Church and at all levels have wished with all their hearts for the Pope to make this gesture. Many of you have also expressed this desire and prayed for the Pope to make this gesture. On this occasion, we see more than ever how the Petrine ministry is the voice of the Church and acts in Her name.
Certainly, this consecration does not replace but adds to those already carried out by the Popes in the past, especially that by St. John Paul II on March 25, 1984.
Right on that day, Our Lady left us a beautiful message on the reality of the consecration to Her Immaculate Heart. Fr. Stefano Gobbi wanted to put in the Book of messages "To the Priests Our Lady’s beloved sons" the consecration prayer that Saint John Paul II used that day so that we could meditate on it and also use it for personal prayer.
With this consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary that will be made in Rome and Fatima, we cannot fail to see also how the Church, through the Pope, underlines the need to live the message that Our Lady left in Fatima for our time (which was completed it in Pontevedra and Tuy). This message was once again explained by Our Lady herself to Don Stefano Gobbi. We cannot do without it.
I ask you that on March 25, the marvelous solemnity of the Annunciation and the Incarnation, we will gather in Cenacles - each in his parish or in their houses - in union with the Holy Father and with the act of consecration, to unite the Petrine work with the work of the MMP that Our Lady has entrusted to us and to our cenacles.
I also suggest that you prepare the special consecration of March 25 at least with a Triduum of Cenacles, from March 22 to 24.
May our Immaculate Mother welcome our cenacles and our personal consecration to Her Immaculate Heart, give us the grace to live it ever better and to be in the Church that presence of prayer, offering, reparation and fidelity that she desires.
Fr. Luca Pescatori
March 16th, 2022
In cenacle towards the 50th anniversary
of the birth of the MMP
Message from don Luca Pescatori
Dear members of the Marian Movement of Priests,
Our Lady has announced to us that the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart will come through a period that she defines as a "great tribulation" (e.g. October 16, 1991), which will serve as a purification and in which her most affected children would be her beloved sons, the priests. What Jesus said to Peter is repeated, "Satan has sought you to sift you like wheat" (Lk 22:31) (20 November 1976 and 1 March 1980).
Last May 8 we commemorated the 49th anniversary of the birth of the Marian Movement for Priests and we began the year of preparation for the 50th anniversary. It is a particularly significant moment for us, and it immediately began with a "sign" of the tribulation: a few days later, in the week of May 13, when the intervention of Our Lady for the Church is remembered, two acts were publicly held in Germany contrary to faith and in particular against the sacrament of Matrimony and the truth of Catholic doctrine, and against the Most Holy Eucharist. The ideas underlying these gestures of genuine rebellion against doctrine have long been widespread in many regions of the world, and in those days were praised as the "new path of a new Church that finally understands the needs of man".
We know. Our Lady warned us for some time and explained everything to us very well
After the suspension of the Holy Mass that began last year and unfortunately is still present in some countries and which relativizes the need for the Eucharist, here are these two public acts that refer us to the Angel's prayer at Fatima, so recommended to us by Our Lady, to make amends for the outrages and sacrileges against the Eucharist, from which all other deviations and sins arise.
The signs of confusion and real apostasy, present for a long time in an underground way, are increasingly emerging in a proud way claiming to be the right path for man, as did Judas who in the end rebelled because he wanted to push Jesus to take another path.
For this reason, I invite you to live this year of preparation for the 50th anniversary of the Marian Priestly Movement by seeking more and more refuge in the Immaculate Heart of Mary, that is, by renewing more and more intensely our consecration to the Immaculate Heart and the three commitments that she asks of us:
⁃ As consecrated to her Immaculate Heart, to offer oneself and one's crosses with so much love in reparation for these outrages and sacrileges, to ask for the grace of fidelity and to be in the Church, which is living her Way of the Cross towards the crucifixion, the presence of Mary next to the Cross, of the Woman clothed with the sun during the hour of darkness.
⁃ As consecrated to her Immaculate Heart, offer oneself and one's crosses with so much love in reparation for these outrages and sacrileges, to ask for the grace of fidelity and to be in the Church, which is living her Way of the Cross towards the crucifixion, the presence of Mary next to the Cross, of the Woman clothed with the sun during the hour of darkness.
⁃ Regarding the second commitment required and taught of us, unity with the Pope, Our Lady speaks of it clearly in her messages. I refer you to explanations in the last circulars of Father Laurent Larroque and mine. Some ask how to accept some statements of Pope Francis that can leave us surprised; this too I have already answered in the circulars. Our Lady asks us to pray for the Pope and that's it, and to leave the rest to her. The Lord is guiding the Church towards purification and entrusts this journey to Our Lady: She tells us that she needs the intercessory power of our cenacles, of which one of the essential elements is the prayer for the Pope, for whom in the act of consecration we ask for special protection. There are many ways of standing before the Pope but only one of these is requested by Our Lady and is part of the spirit of the MMP. In our prayer for the Pope, we ask that he acts in these tribulations as God expects of him and that he be His instrument for the purification of the Church.
⁃ It is therefore precisely with the cenacles, which She leaves us as a third commitment, that we contribute substantially to the work of Our Lady and to the life of the Church. Don Gobbi has taught us how to hold cenacles in the spirit of the MMP; let us remain faithful to the essential points established by him, shown in the diagram on the MMP website (www.msm-mmp.org). There is no need to add anything else or change anything. At this moment, more than ever, it is necessary to multiply the cenacles to form a barrier of protection around the Magisterium of the Church, to repair the rampant apostasy, to console the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, to obtain grace for ourselves. to live our consecration well and offer ourselves on the altar of the Immaculate Heart, victims pleasing to God, for his triumph (cf. November 19, 1974), and finally to ask with our heavenly Mother for the gift of the second Pentecost announced by her (e.g. 1 Jan 1985, 31 Dec 1986). Multiplying the cenacles means: wanting to do the cenacles following the invitation of our Mother, asking for the grace to be able to do more than they do now, teaching others to live consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart and to lead other cenacles.
We ask for the grace to be able to console our heavenly Mother, as Jesus himself requested of Sister Lucia in Pontevedra when he asked for the reparative practice of the first five Saturdays, and to work in her service, especially in this decisive time which coincides with the year that leads to the 50th of the MMP, to counteract the gestures of rebellion and apostasy that have already come to light. and those who are still hidden.
She calls us into this spiritual battle and wants to be our leader, she told us from the first messages: it is up to us to welcome the gift of being soldiers in combat or, instead, to withdraw and watch.
May 24, 2021
Don Luca Pescatori and the Spiritual Council of the MMP

Praying in the spirit of the MMP
in time of pandemic (COVID-19)
Message from fr. Luca Pescatori
Dear members of the MMP,
the Coronavirus health emergency has rapidly reached all parts of the world and limited almost everywhere the possibility of meeting. In spite of this, many of you in every continent have proposed new forms of Cenacle: either directly via the internet, or suggesting at what times to pray together each in their own home, or with international chats where you share the times of cenacles in cities of different nations... in this way you have joined spiritually and want to offer to our Heavenly Mother that prayer that She has asked us insistently to offer her, in Her Immaculate Heart, to the Most Holy Trinity. I would now like to give you a criterion with which to pray.
This is certainly a time of trial.
Suffering has suddenly reached many families affected by bereavement, sickness and social hardships that are emerging. The alarm around contagion is such that almost all over the world faithful have been asked not to participate in The Holy Mass and many churches are closed. It is a great trial for the Church, paralyzed in her pastoral life and for the faithful, who, in addition to the present sufferings, are deprived of the one true Treasure, the Eucharistic Lord Jesus.
In this suffering many people do not see it as a problem that they cannot have the Mass and receive the Eucharist: in fact, the Eucharistic Jesus takes the back seat to the current demands of earthly life which they try to defend - with such generosity - by all means.
Dear all friends of the MMP, who love to be guided by Our Lady in the light of Her Immaculate Heart... She has always asked us to be a "balm of love" for this suffering humanity. She insistently calls us to Jesus’ teaching: at the basis of brotherly love is the path in the Kingdom of God, the life of faith in the Church and fidelity to the Gospel, in the richness of the sacraments and in the practice of virtues... She helps us so that we ourselves help others, because we are the continuation with Her of Her Son's Saving Work.
In many hearts the warmth of the Eucharist is in danger of being chilled by this storm: our prayer (and our offering) at this time of pandemic cannot just be for the necessary freedom from the virus, but so that in this suffering all of us in the Church may grow in faith, grow in love for the Eucharistic Jesus, who at this time is almost everywhere denied us, and so that all may find the need to seek God and listen to him, to leave what is sin and let themselves be inwardly healed by him.
Jesus tells us: "seek first the Kingdom of God, and the rest will be given to you" (cf. Mt 6.33). If we ask only for freedom from earthly evil and not from spiritual evil, we are very unbalanced and we fail in the truest dimension of our lives. Jesus said of his friend Lazarus' illness: "This sickness will not end in death but in God’s glory" (cf. Jn 11.4). This Coronavirus suffering can not only be about death, nor only be about earthly life... Jesus expects us to face this trial as a reminder that will make us grow in faith and conquer evil: so from this unpleasant trial we will emerge healed even inwardly, and this will be to the Glory of God.
Our Lady teaches us not to restrict ourselves to our earthly affairs but to look at them with her own eyes: the medicine to heal our lives from evil comes from the Heart of Jesus (11 Feb 1977; 19 Apr 1992), from which She herself is given to us to heal us (14 Feb 1985; 11 Feb 1993): so we ourselves can be medicine for our loved ones, the Church, the world, in a life more enlivened by the Holy Spirit who renews us (13 Sept. 1984; 3 Dec 1986).
To the little shepherds of Fatima She taught them to face trials by "transfiguring" them, seeking in the Lord the strength and goal of all things: "O Jesus, it is for love of you, for the salvation of souls and to repair the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary."
At Lourdes She left us the beautiful sign of the spring of water and then explained to us the meaning: "Wash at the spring" She tells us many times (e.g. 11 Feb 1977, 1995), it is the Grace of God in the sacraments, especially in Confession. With that miraculous water and the sign of physical healing, She teaches us that our earthly health is an image of the path to eternal salvation: she does not wish only earthly health for us, for which she protects us and is as happy as every good mother, but Her great Work is to make us live daily in the Grace of God, in spiritual health, healed of sin and "vaccinated" against apostasy.
Dear friends, let us be taught by our Mother how to face this trial as well. "If they do not accustom themselves now to seek me alone, to listen to me alone, and to entrust themselves to me alone, how are they going to find me at the moment of the great tempest when everything will be plunged into darkness? Let them accustom themselves as of now to see me as the light of their every action!" (10 Feb 1974).
It is right and appropriate to pray for the end of the terrible pandemic but, of Her Movement, Our Lady asks us to "work" and "fight" for the souls of the sick and the healthy with the Cenacles, the Consecration to Her Immaculate Heart and love of the Eucharistic Jesus (where churches are closed, you can at least take advantage of Adoration streamed on line), to emerge from this trial stronger in faith, together with our brothers and sisters, so that with Her Work the Church will take a step forward towards the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart and of the Eucharistic Jesus, to the glory of the Most Holy Trinity. United in the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus,
April 2, 2020
don Luca Pescatori with the Spiritual Council of the MMP
Restrictions due to the COVID-19 coronavirus
Message from fr. Luca Pescatori
Dear Members of the MMP,
The safety provisions for public health issued by the governments of many countries, and the decisions made by many Episcopal Conferences following the spread of the COVID-19 virus, limit the possibility of meeting in public places and also in churches, to avoid the possibility of contagion. This is sometimes making it difficult to meet for the Cenacles in those countries.
There is sometimes the temptation to be content to say “we can’t have cenacles” instead of asking “how can we have a cenacle in this situation?” ...
On June 10, 1987 our Blessed Mother told us,
“I am calling all the children of the Church to gather together with me in cenacles of unceasing prayer. Most of all I desire that the holy rosary be recited often, particularly by the little ones, by the sick, by the poor and by sinners. Surround the world with the chain of the rosary in order to obtain grace and mercy for all. Multiply your cenacles of prayer.” (#356, June 10, 1987)
Already in 1974 she had taught us: “It is not necessary that they come together in great numbers: even two or three are enough. These gatherings must constitute real and true cenacles (…) For it is then that I myself accomplish in them my maternal task of interceding before God for all my children.” (#34, January 17, 1974)
At this time when attention to public health must limit our possibilities, I ask you then to remember the great value of the Cenacles for the Church and for the world, not to lose the gift and not to miss the grace of the Cenacle. Multiply them wherever and whenever possible and – when it is not possible to meet as before – temporarily transform the regional, diocesan and parish Cenacles into many family or priest cenacles, so that no one misses the request and expectations of our Heavenly Mother. When it is not possible to leave the house or reach other members of the MMP in other cities, then pray the rosary all together at the same time, reading the same message and renewing the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in spiritual union among you and with all the members of the MMP in the world. You can also try to make a cenacle via phone or video calls via Skype and Whatsapp.
The Cenacles are a gift of the Immaculate Heart of Mary for our time, and with them we are always united with Her to invoke the gift of the Holy Spirit, in this special and difficult Hour of Grace.
March 8, 2020
Don Luca Pescatori
and the Spiritual Council of the MMP
"To the Priests,
Our Lady's Beloved Sons"
Communique from Fr. Laurent Larroque
A Sicilian priest, in contestation against the Catholic Church, is using the name of the Marian Movement of Priests and the book "To Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons", the spiritual patrimony of this Movement, for his own ends of rebelling against the Church.
The Marian Movement of Priests takes a clear stand against this attitude and does not accept the assertions that this priest has made by taking passages out of context from this book, without knowing the Marian spirituality of this Movement which he is presenting. In no way does this spirit of rebellion go along with the spirit of Mary.
We firmly reiterate the three characteristic commitments of our Movement:
1) Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary;
2) union with the Pope and the Church united with him;
3) bringing souls to devotion to Mary.
These three commitments are reflected in the Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary which for 46 years has been repeated all over the world by many members of the Hierarchy, by hundreds of thousands of priests and by millions of the faithful, especially regarding fidelity to the Pope.
“Above all, we wish to be united with the Holy Father and the hierarchy, firmly adhering to all their directives, so as thus to set up a barrier to the growing confrontation directed against the Magisterium, that threatens the very foundation of the Church. Under your maternal protection, we want moreover to be apostles of this sorely needed unity of prayer and love for the Pope, on whom we invoke your special protection.” (from the Act of Consecration)
The legitimate Pope is Pope Francis. A famous dream of Don Bosco shows us the Church as a large boat during a storm and in the midst of its enemies, always guided by the Pope who anchors the Church to two large pillars in the midst of the sea: the Eucharist, “Salus credentium,” and Mary, “auxilium christianorum.” He who separates himself from these three “criteria of catholicity” strays away from catholicity and has made himself unworthy of speaking, not only in the name of a Movement and of a Book that he does not fully comprehend, but even in the name of the Church itself.
Como, July 18, 2018
The Director General of the MMP and his Spiritual Council