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What is the Consecration to the

Immaculate Heart of Mary?

The spiritual theology of the Church, nurtured by numerous testimonies of the saints, has already formulated a clear doctrine on the value of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  

She herself asked this at Fatima.

To avoid superimposing anything new onto the existing doctrine of the Church, following is an excerpt from a message in the Blue Book.


(May 13, 1976)

“Today, my beloved sons, recall my coming down upon this earth, in the poor Cova da Iria in Fatima.

I came from heaven to ask you for the consecration to my Immaculate Heart.

Through you, priests of my Movement, what I had then asked is now being realized.  You are consecrating yourselves to my Immaculate Heart and leading souls entrusted to you to this consecration which I desire.

Since that day how much time has passed!  It is now fifty nine years.

The Second World War, foretold by me as a punishment allowed by God for a humanity which alas did not repent, has also taken place.

Now you are living in that period of time when the Red Dragon, that is to say Marxist atheism, is spreading throughout the whole world and is increasingly bringing about the ruin of souls.

He is indeed succeeding in seducing and casting down a third of the stars of heaven.

These stars, in the firmament of the Church, are the pastors: they are yourselves, my poor priest-sons.

Has not perchance even the Vicar of my Son affirmed to you that it is the dearest friends, even the confreres of the same table, the priests and the religious, who are today betraying and setting themselves against the Church?

This is then the hour to have recourse to the great remedy that the Father offers you to resist the seductions of the Evil One and to oppose the real apostasy which is spreading more and more among my poor children.  Consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart.


To everyone who consecrates himself to me I again promise salvation: safety from error in this world and eternal salvation.

You will obtain this through my special motherly intervention.  Thus I will prevent you from falling into the enticements of Satan.  You will be protected and defended by me personally; you will be consoled and strengthened by me.


Now is the time when my call must be answered by all priests who want to remain faithful.

m Each one must consecrate himself to my Immaculate Heart, and through you priests many of my children will make this consecration.

This is like a vaccine which, like a good Mother, I give you to preserve you from the epidemic of atheism, which is contaminating so many of my children and leading them to the death of the spirit.

These are the times that I myself foretold; this is the hour of the purification. Heed the requests of your Mother, and entrust yourselves to me with all confidence and the most complete surrender.”

Living the Consecration

Making the Act of Consecration is a very important moment in the life of the MMP, but what is essential is living this Act of Consecration as a lymph that nourishes one’s daily life.

Throughout the Blue Book, it is explained to us in these terms.


(July 25, 1977)

“My beloved sons, with docility let yourselves be formed by me.  With your consecration to my Immaculate Heart, you have entrusted your priesthood to me.  You have put it in a safe place.

But in so doing, however, you have only taken the first step, even though it is a very important one.  Now I myself, as Mother, am committed to make each one of you just what my Son Jesus desires you to be.

The second step you must take is to allow yourselves to be formed by me, in a way which is different for each one of you.

It is my duty as Mother to form you in a very particular and personal way.  Even the paths along which I am leading you differ among themselves, but they all bring you to the same goal, that set for each of you by my Son Jesus.

Pay no attention to how I am forming you; do not ask me where I am leading you; do not seek to know beforehand the path which I have marked out for you.  Your duty is to second my action with your docility. 


An interior docility which leads you always to say yes to me and to seek only to carry out my will in whatever you do.  You now know the will of your heavenly Mother:

   — I want you humble, silent, recollected and burning with love for Jesus and souls.  Only thus will you become great in my eyes;

   — I want you trustful, abandoned to me and without human preoccupations.  […]

   — I want you mortified in your senses, persevering in prayer, and gathered about Jesus in the Eucharist like living lamps of love.  Only thus will you feel me close to you;

   — I want you ever purer; thus you will finally be able to see me.  You will see me with the eyes of the soul, if you close the eyes of the body to the vanity of this world.

Your life will be transformed by me, as gently and firmly I lead you to sanctity.  Only if you cooperate with my action will you be able to escape the danger of coming to a halt or of allowing your fervor to grow tepid, after your act of consecration to me.


Now that in all parts of the world you are responding to me by allowing yourselves to be enclosed in my Immaculate Heart, I must as quickly as possible make you into faithful copies of Jesus Crucified.

You have answered me with a yes; now I ask you to respond to my action with your exterior and interior docility.  Only in this way can you resist the ambushes which my Adversary lays for you and respond to my great plan of love.”

Acts of Consecration

Atti Consacrazione Ancora


for Priests

Consecration of the  Religious and Laity


of the Youth




Via A. Campiedi 88,  

22014 Dongo - ITALY


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