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Homily of Fr. Gobbi in FATIMA

(November 20, 1999)

during the Cenacle held in the Chapel of Apparitions,

at the end of his visit throughout Portugal


(transcribed from a recording)

“Let us all say together: Thank you Jesus, for giving us your Mother.

It was a great gift from the Divine Heart of Jesus to have given us his own Mother moments before dying on the Cross, as you have read in the Gospel.


Jesus is living through his agony, his face covered with blood and his eyes veiled with tears. He is scarcely able to see his Mother and John, his beloved apostle, at the foot of the Cross.  Then Jesus said to his Mother: “Woman, behold your Son”; and to John, “Behold your Mother."  And from that moment, Mary becomes the Mother of all redeemed mankind, in the supernatural order of grace and divine life, as the 2nd Vatican Council says.  She is our true Mother.


This is why, like a Mother, She intervenes in the life of each one of us. She loves us, forms us, guides us on the road to good, consoles us in our suffering and, in these difficult times,  helps us to live our Faith, to bear witness to Jesus, to be faithful to the promises that we made on the day of our Baptism, when we were freed from the bondage to Satan and made true children of God.


God has communicated his own Life to us, by means of sanctifying Grace, and we must live for Him, for His Glory, by fulfilling his Divine Will.


This is why the Virgin Mary, like a Mother, helps us to walk on the road of the observance of the Law of God, to flee sin which is for us the greatest evil and the source of all other evils of a moral or physical nature. The Virgin Mary, precisely in this place where we are now, came to ask us for prayer and penance for the conversion of sinners. Like a Mother, she seeks to save all men, even those furthest away, because she is the merciful Mother of all redeemed humanity. This is why the historical vicissitudes of her children are reflected in her Mother’s Heart, especially when her children wander away from God and walk along the dangerous road of sin and evil.


And so She intervenes to help her children.

The Virgin Mary intervened here at Fatima, almost at the beginning of this century, during which humanity had distanced itself from God.  In place of life, it experienced the spread of death; in place of love, it experienced bloody hatred; instead of communion and peace, it suffered the spread of division and violence. There came the First World War, the Second World War, and ethnic wars that exploded in many places around the world. Peace has thus been increasingly threatened. So the Blessed Virgin Mary intervenes because She is Mother, because She is the Queen of Peace, because the Most Holy Trinity has willed that the great gift of peace will come to us through Her. We can thus understand her continual and pain-filled invitation to conversion, thanks to prayer and penance.


Mary is Mother of the Church. She carries in her Immaculate Heart all the sufferings of the Church, of its Pastors, especially of the universal Pastor, the Pope. This is why she invites us to be more and more united to the Pope, to pray very much and to suffer for him, listening to and spreading his Magisterium. She saw in advance the sufferings of the Church, caused by the division that had entered into her interior, the loss of the true Faith by many, and the errors which are more and more taught and diffused. We have need to return to believing in the Gospel, welcoming it and living it to the letter. Mary is the Mother and the Star of the new evangelization.


So I thank you, O Mary, for being our Mother.

This evening, I thank you, Virgin of Fatima, for having brought into existence, in this very place, on May 8, 1972, the Marian Movement of Priests, through which you called your children to make and to live the Consecration to your Immaculate Heart – to a great unity with the Pope and to become your apostles, not in words, but by a life illuminated by your presence, spreading the Cenacles among children, among young people and in families.  I see here a lot of young people.  Young people, walk with Mary on the road of prayer, of love, and of purity, and spread Cenacles everywhere, especially family Cenacles.


I thank you, Virgin of Fatima, for spreading your Movement all over the world, throughout  the five continents.


I thank you, Virgin of Fatima, for often having brought me everywhere, with more than a thousand flights, so that I could preside over Cenacles. I have seen the triumph of your Immaculate Heart: the immense cohort of your little children who have responded to you in every language and who everywhere have followed you.


I have heard in all languages this Act of Consecration which you will make shortly in Portuguese. Today I offer it to you, O Mother, because this evening, here in your little Chapel, at the end of this century and this millennium, I bring to completion the Cenacles that I have made all over the world.


Isn’t this a powerful sign that you are giving me today? You want me to understand that your cohort is ready; that your little children have responded to you; that you have triumphed in the lives of your children because, through them, you will bring about the triumph of your Immaculate Heart in the world.


Let us therefore live in confidence, in joy, and in filial abandonment in the arms of our Heavenly Mother. Let us live in hope; and as the Pope invites us to do, let us cross the threshold of hope with Mary.


Today, with the first Vespers, we begin the solemnity of Christ the King which brings the liturgical year to an end.  How many times has the Pope told us that, as the third millennium approaches, there will be the beginning of a great springtime for the Church. I think that this springtime will coincide with the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary which will bring the greatest triumph of Christ into the world. The triumph of the Heart of the Mother can, in fact, only happen with the triumph of her Son.


Here at Fatima was given the announcement of a mystery that is not yet fully revealed.

Here at Fatima is a message that sheds a beam of light on all the events of this century and on what will happen in the next.

Here at Fatima has been predicted the greatest triumph of Christ, because He is God, the Emmanuel, God with us.


Jesus Christ is God who, for us, was born, died on the Cross and rose again. He has redeemed us and saved us, and now he lives in the splendor of his Glory, seated at the right hand of the Father.

Jesus Christ is the Living, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega, our Savior and Redeemer.


Saint Peter said that there is no other name under the sun by which humanity can be saved, except that of JESUS ​​CHRIST. Here is the reason for our hope: Jesus Christ, our only Savior, our only Redeemer; the same yesterday, today and always. Jesus Christ leads all events in history to his greatest triumph. In this century he has permitted the triumph of his Adversary, so that his Victory can appear even greater, more beautiful and more luminous.


Brothers and sisters, we are walking towards these times when Jesus will bring his Reign to the world: a Reign of Grace, of Love, of Holiness, of Justice and of Peace. Let us go meet the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, and let us live with trembling the splendid hour of this second Advent. Fatima is the door through which we must pass to reach the new times which have been announced to us. The Immaculate Heart of Mary is our refuge in these end times of the great purification and of the great tribulation. The Immaculate Heart of Mary is the road that leads us to God, to see his triumph and to contemplate the victory of Christ who will bring his Reign of Glory into the world and make all things new.


Let us go forward with Mary towards these new times; let us live with Her the conclusive and difficult hour of this second Advent.


And now, Virgin of Fatima, as I give you the Consecration of your children who are here, I also offer you the Consecration of all those who, throughout the world, have responded to you with their “yes.”

We consecrate ourselves to your Immaculate Heart, to enter into your refuge.

We consecrate ourselves to your Immaculate Heart, to walk along the road that leads us to the God of salvation and peace.

We consecrate ourselves to your Immaculate Heart, to prepare the way and to open wide the doors to Jesus Christ who is coming, so that our eyes can finally contemplate his Glory.


This is why, beloved faithful, that I now invite you all to renew together our Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.




Via A. Campiedi 88,  

22014 Dongo - ITALY


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