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FATIMA: october 25, 2010

 Homily of fr. Stefano Gobbi


Fatima is the Downfall of all False Gods!

Praised be Jesus Christ.

Let us all say together: "Thank you, Jesus, for having given us your Mother!"

Today is a day for giving thanks.

I thank you, Mother of Jesus, for having appeared here at Fatima.


Today brings to an end the journey which I began on September 7 of this year – which took me to  Switzerland, to all of Germany and France, as well as to Spain and Portugal – to conduct Cenacles of the Marian Movement of Priests.  But it has been four years since I was here at Fatima.  During the last four years, I have been to America, Europe, Africa and Asia, and I have been able to witness, Blessed Mother, your loving and maternal action.


I feel that I have been able to look deeply into your secret, to understand the mission that the Most Holy Trinity has entrusted to you, O Virgin of Fatima and Lady Clothed with the Sun. Your mission is to do battle with and defeat the Dragon.  This dragon who has seduced mankind with his great pride, you will defeat with your humility.  And while he has formed his cohort from among the most powerful, you have formed yours with the smallest. You have formed your cohort not with the strongest, but with the weakest; not with the richest, but with the poorest; not with the greatest, but with the littlest – with your small children, and you have formed it in every part of the world.


And why? In order to do battle with and conquer the Dragon.  And where do you win this battle?  The Dragon’s victory consists in having brought humanity far away from God and in having set up idols for all to adore in the place of God. Your mission now, O Virgin of Fatima, is to bring about the downfall of these false gods, and to destroy them!


Fatima IS the downfall of false gods!

Pope Benedict XVI, in his meditation given on October 11 of this year during the Special Assembly for the Middle East of the Synod of Bishops, said that there are today three idols that have to fall.


First idol:  Money. The Pope referred to anonymous financial systems that keep people in a state of slavery and destroy them.


Second idol: Pride. With the spread of many false ideologies, pride destroys truth.


Third idol: Impurity, that with drugs and with the cup of lust, is seducing all the nations of the earth.


Through the message of Fatima, these idols MUST fall!


Our Lady of Fatima has been entrusted with this task: to destroy these false gods and bring all her children to love, serve and glorify the One True God – the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. She wants to bring everyone to adore and glorify the Only Son of God, who became flesh in her virginal womb by the power of the Holy Spirit – Jesus Christ who died on the Cross for our salvation; Jesus Crucified, who is the only Savior and the only Redeemer. No other exists! Even for this perverse generation, the Crucified Jesus alone is the source of salvation! He is risen, because He is God!


Our Lady of Fatima has the task of destroying these false gods: money, false ideologies and impurity. And in destroying these false idols, She wishes to lead us all to adoration of the One True God, of Jesus Christ, true Man and true God, our Redeemer, who has shown us the way to salvation in the battle against sin; in walking along the road of the observance of the commandments of God and in the practice of the Christian virtues; in walking along the road of holiness, of light and of the full glorification of God.


Thank you, Virgin of Fatima.

Make these false gods continue to crumble more and more. 

Free humanity from their slavery.  Bring about the worship of the One True God, so that Your Son Jesus may today be loved, served and glorified by all!



The Dragon has set up two false idols, even in the Church,  in order to destroy her. The first idol, formed by rationalism and relativism, tends to destroy faith in the Church. It is written in the second letter of St. Peter that there will be false teachers among you, who will teach disastrous heresies and who will set themselves against their God, the God who saved them. Many will follow them and, like them, will live an immoral life. Because of them, the Christian faith will be despised. (cf. 2 Pt 2,1-2)   The loss of faith is spreading throughout the Church today because of these false teachers who are teaching, but teaching badly.  They teach badly because they spread errors; they are teachers, but false teachers.  How then can we discern the good teachers from the false ones? If the teachers are conveying the truth of the Catholic faith and are humble and obedient to the Magisterium, then they are good teachers. But if they are proud, are spreading errors and do not obey the Magisterium, then they are false teachers!  And today we must be able to discern.  Our Lady wants her children to be intelligent, not stupid.  We must know how to discern – to follow the good teachers and to remain in the faith.  Do not listen to the bad ones, so as not to fall into error and lose the faith.

Oh Mother, how wounded is your Church today as a result of these false teachers!

Obtain for them the gift of Divine Wisdom! You who are the Seat of Wisdom, blind them with the splendor of the Divine Truth so that they will in all humility return to believing and teaching the true faith!  In this way, you strengthen the faith of the Church, which today is increasingly hit by a widespread lack of faith.


Second idol: the division caused by the contestation against the Holy Father.

Here at Fatima, Jacinta had a vision: she saw the Holy Father on his knees and weeping, while outside they were throwing stones at him.  What are these stones if not all the criticisms, the protests, and the oppositions made today against the Pope from within the Church?


I beg you now, Blessed Mother, to destroy this idol which is so false and so dangerous.

Here on my knees before You, I turn to my dearest Bishops and beg them not to trample over the Blood of Jesus! Be ever more united to the Pope!

My brother priests, be ever more united to the Bishops and to the Pope!

And you my dear faithful, be ever more united to your priests; do not abandon them; help them and be united always with the Bishops and with the Pope!

In this way the unity of the Church will flourish again; it will be renewed, sanctified, illuminated by your Immaculate Heart, O Mother of the Church! 



Here at Fatima in 1972, You called me to this work and You entrusted me with the task of going everywhere to invite all priests to consecrate themselves to your Immaculate Heart.  During these years, I have fulfilled this mission of yours, boarding 1500 flights and making other journeys by car and train.  I visited all five continents various times in order to have my brother priests make the consecration to your Immaculate Heart.  The greater number of them are already in Paradise, and many others are still on this earth.  And this year, an extraordinary thing occurred.  On May 12, before You here in this Cova da Iria, the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI consecrated all the priests of the world to your Immaculate Heart. With this Consecration, therefore, it seems as if my task is coming to an end and that my journey is complete....yes, perhaps a part of it, that of bringing the priests to make the consecration.


Now, however, it is necessary to begin a new and more important mission, that of living the consecration. If we live the consecration, our life becomes transformed by your maternal love and we ourselves become rays of your love which are spread more and more in every part of the world. We become illuminated, sanctified, and transformed by Love, because simply put, what is the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart if not the immaculate triumph of the Heart?  Is it not the immaculate triumph of Love?  Now I understand why the triumph of your Immaculate Heart coincides with the triumph of the Merciful Love of Jesus.  With the triumph of Merciful Love, the Divine Mercy comes down like a dew to revive the aridity of this humanity which will be renewed in love and by love, and thus a new civilization will begin – the civilization of love!


O Immaculate Heart of Mary, make us live this Consecration!  Make of us luminous rays of your motherly love!  O Virgin of Fatima, we look to You, Woman clothed with the Sun, to gaze with you towards Heaven and so to understand that the great day of the Lord is near and that we must prepare ourselves for the return of Jesus in Glory, the radiant Sun of Justice who will bring about new heavens and a new earth.  And you, o Virgin of Fatima, are the anticipation of these times.



Dear Virgin of Fatima, I must now leave. I know not if and when I may return. However, although I may be far away, my life is always here!  Because You have taken and transformed my entire life.  And now I too, in the same nostalgic way in which hundreds of thousands of pilgrims leave you, in parting I too say:


 “Goodbye, Fatima, goodbye.” 


“Fatima, goodbye,” but I will always be with you.  The final goodbye I will utter in the last moment of my life because, right up until that very last moment, You, O Lady of Fatima, are my Love, my Light, my Help, my Comfort, my Hope and above all, You are my Joy!


Praised be Jesus Christ!




Via A. Campiedi 88,  

22014 Dongo - ITALY


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